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How you wish to build and present your car for an IVA test has a significant impact on your Raptor Build. There are three options open to you - New Registration, Age Related Plate or Q Plate.
Your first step is to decide how you want to register your Raptor.
If you wish your car to be registered in this category then all parts being used to build your Raptor must be new and bought from the manufacturer.
You can present your car for IVA under the Amateur Build status. You will be required to send copies of your receipts for parts that you have bought to build your car together with photographic evidence of your build with your IVA Application.
Your newly built Raptor will be registered in this category if you have used second hand parts from a Donor vehicle to build the car. You must have the V5 for the Donor vehicle and it is preferable that it is already registered in your name. If you are using the engine from the donor car then you will be asked for proof of the year of the engine which can be found on the V5. Please make sure you double check that the engine number on the V5 matches the engine number stamped on the engine within the Donor vehicle.
You can present your car for IVA under the Amateur Build status. You will be required to send copies of your receipts for parts that you have bought to build your car together with photographic evidence of your build with your IVA Application.
A Q registration will be issued to a vehicle whose age or identity cannot be confirmed and therefore does not fit the standard registration criteria. Your newly built Raptor will be registered on a Q plate if you cannot provide receipts, photographic evidence or the V5 if a donor vehicle has been used.
You can present your car for IVA under the Amateur Build status.
It is worth noting that you cannot present your self build car under the Amateur Build status if a third party within the car building industry has undertaken any work on your behalf.
1. Your Raptor must be presented to the IVA test centre with a full tank of fuel.
2. If the car breaks down at any point during the test then the IVA Tester may abandon the test.
Please note that if this situation does occur, then you will have to pay for another test.
3. It's always wise to take a few tools with you when you attend the IVA test just in case!!
Sometimes things need a wee "tweek" and if you can do it there and then it could just be the difference between a fail or a pass!
4. Don't be late!!
1. We offer a fixed price pre-IVA Inspection Service for all self build Raptors.
2. We offer a fixed price pre-IVA Inspection Service for all self built Kitcars.
3. We can complete the IVA application forms on your behalf.
4. We can present the car to the IVA Test on your behalf.
5. We can complete the First Registration forms on your behalf.
If you need any further help or advice please give us a call where our team will be more than happy to answer any questions.
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